Changing the Narrative: How to Replace Limiting Beliefs to Reach Your Full Potential
The way you speak to yourself has such a huge impact on your mindset, your self-esteem, your mood, and the way you live and create your life.
If you’re constantly thinking limiting beliefs, the chances of reaching your full potential are slim.
If you don’t put intention behind the way you speak to yourself, you are most likely stuck in a never-ending loop of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. While if you started to be intentional about the way you speak to yourself, you would start feeling happier, more confident, and you’d be able to get rid of your limiting beliefs and grow a positive mindset.
I used to have a negative inner dialogue. I had negative thoughts on a loop, and as a result, I had low self-esteem, didn’t see what was possible for my life, and wasn’t even close to reaching my potential... Until one sunny day, I realized what I was doing to myself. This is when I decided to change things in my head, and in my life. It was time to take charge of the way I spoke to myself and about myself so I could change my life.
This was a huge shift in my personal development journey and it marked the creation of my business.
In this blog post, I walk you through a step-by-step process that I have used and proved time and time again, to start changing your inner dialogue and changing your life.
You don’t have to stay stuck with limiting beliefs and a negative mindset, you can change things around and see miracles happen in your life because of it! But this isn’t a magic formula, you will have to show up and do some work if you want to see results.
Notice your inner dialogue
The first step in this process is of course to notice the way you speak to yourself. If you want to transform your mindset and your life, you need to start by knowing where you’re currently standing.
One easy way to notice your thoughts and identify the ones that are serving you versus the ones that are holding you back is to start paying attention to your feelings.
Your feelings are messengers, they’re very practical in that way, they let you know what you’re thinking of at any moment in time. They let you know whether you are thinking positive or negative thoughts.
It goes without saying that positive thoughts make you feel happy and warm emotions while thinking negative thoughts make you feel anxious or any other kind of not-so-happy emotion.
So next time you feel anxious, worried, or sad, you can ask yourself: what was I just thinking that made me feel this way? What is my mindset right now? Am I thinking of limiting or empowering thoughts?
And take notes! Keeping a journal of your feelings and thoughts at this stage of the process is going to be useful to help you switch things up!
Identify your limiting beliefs
Once you start paying attention to the way you feel and think, it’ll be easy to start identifying your limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs are thoughts that you repeat to yourself so often that your subconscious mind is taking them for truth while they might not necessarily be true. They might also be programs that have been installed there when you were younger without you noticing.
The problem with limiting beliefs is that because they are stuck in your subconscious, they run on autopilot. They’re here all the time and their main job is to keep you from taking any risks (because keeping you safe and alive is one of the main jobs of the subconscious mind).
When we’re not taking risks in life, we’re not growing as much as we could and we’re less likely to reach our full potential.
So you really want to get rid of your limiting beliefs and negative self-talk and replace them with new positive affirmations if you want to see things change in your life and start reaching your potential.
Choose again
Now that you have identified your thought patterns and limiting beliefs, it’s time to start thinking differently. This is when the hard work starts. But it doesn’t have to be hard work for a long time. If you put enough intention and awareness behind this new practice, your new empowering beliefs will soon become natural and you won’t have to think about it twice.
For every limiting belief and thought pattern you identified, you are going to create a new empowering, positive affirmation.
Here’s an example from my personal experience, I went from: “I am not knowledgeable enough to speak in public” and “people are going to judge what I say” to “I am smart, curious, knowledgeable, and confident to talk in public about the subjects I am passionate about” and “the people who need to hear what I have to say find me, we connect and have interesting conversations”.
You just have to write the opposite of your limiting belief in a way that sounds good and empowering to you, preferably making it a simple sentence that you will be able to easily remember when you need to summon it.
Every time I do this exercise I write my new affirmations on index cards that I tape to my walls and bathroom mirror. That way, I am sure to see them every day, and even if I don’t read them, my subconscious mind is registering that they are here and is being reminded of the affirmations.
The hard part is going to be to actually catch yourself when you’re thinking an old thought and then install the new one. It can be overwhelming and scary at first, but like anything, with practice, it gets easier and easier. And one day, your subconscious mind is going to replace the old thoughts with the new ones and you won’t have to think about it again. Your new way of thinking by default will be the one you chose and that’s empowering you, and not one that keeps you from reaching your full potential.
Transform your life
You are now on your way to speaking to yourself in a new, positive, and empowering way. Instead of being stuck in loops of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs, you are now on track to become more aware of your inner dialogue and be able to replace it slowly but surely with one that’s going to serve you and not hold you back.
While this process might take a while to become natural depending on your commitment and discipline, it certainly is a great tool to experience massive transformation in your life. Changing your mindset and the way you speak to yourself can truly change your life.
I should know, it is by replacing my own limiting beliefs and inner dialogue that I found the courage and confidence to start my business and create my coaching program. I am finally living a life aligned with my purpose and on my way to reach my full potential, and this is exactly what I help people do inside my coaching program!
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