What is happening here?
Somehow you ended up on my About page, so I’m going to assume you’re either lost or you’d like to understand whatever is happening on this website.
Hi! I’m Louise, I’m French, as I am writing this I am 40 years old, and I live in Brussels, Belgium.
I created this website in 2021, back when I started writing blog posts and needed a place to publish them.
Today this website is a space where I’d like to be able to share anything I create and want to show the world.
I have given up on the idea that my website has to be polished, make perfect sense, and be about just one thing. It won’t be that way. Because I am not that way.
I have many interests and have started many creative projects in this life, some of them you will see here, some have never been shared, and some have been taken offline.
But I am done with the idea that my website should be just about my writing, or my photography, or filmmaking… I’m not just one of those things and I want to share many of the things I am.
I am sharing this website to show that maybe it’s okay to have a thousand different interests in a lifetime and maybe it’s okay to explore as many as you can and not go through with all of them. It doesn’t mean they don’t have value.
The way I see it, every creative project I have worked on has taught me something. It has taught me something about my craft, about the world, and about myself.
Every creative project I have taken on has become a part of me, even those I haven’t finished.
For a while, I thought there was something wrong with me. That it wasn’t “normal” to not be able to finish anything, to drop projects halfway through, to always try something else, something new. But now I know this is BS. I found out that there are a lot of folks out there who are wired like me and I am not alone in this. Today I try to focus on not judging myself and exploring the creativity that my hyperactive and anxious brain is offering me most days.
Over the years I have dabbled in photography, video making, and writing, and very recently I started to draw and do ceramics.
I decided to put together and share every project that I love and am proud of, even if I haven’t touched them in years.
Here you can find all of my blog posts from the past few years, some photography work (soon), field recordings from the time I was recording songs, probably some poetry soon as I just started writing some and you can even witness my first steps as a screenwriter by watching my YouTube channel!
So here we are, wander around, get lost, come back home, this is a space where you can explore the parts of my brain I agreed to put on the internet.
I hope it’s entertaining, and I hope it’s inspiring, especially to those who like me struggle to figure out what to share and how and where… maybe we can just share whatever we want without needing it to make perfect sense :)