How to Stay Focused on Your Purpose and Goals This Year

Let’s talk about a new technique I am using this year to remain aligned with my purpose, focused on my goals, keep my mindset sharp, and keep limiting beliefs in check. As you know this blog is all about personal development and how I am creating a life aligned with my purpose and dreams, and I want to share with you this technique I am using this year because we’re only a month into the new year and it’s been working wonders for me!

As you might know, I am all about daily affirmations, I have affirmations written on sticky notes on my fridge, my bathroom mirror, my laptop, and anywhere where I can see them every day to stay focused on my goals and keep my mindset in check.

But it’s starting to get a little out of hand, in the sense that I have dozens of them and there’s about ten that I try to repeat daily, but sometimes, I need a quick reminder to help me get back on track fast. And affirmations can take a minute to remember and go through.

So I came up with the keyword technique, as a way to quickly refocus my attention on my goals and reset my mindset, especially if I’m spiraling down with limiting beliefs.

Related: Limiting beliefs: What are they? Where do they come from? And how do you get rid of them?

Now, maybe someone did this before, probably, but the idea came to me on January first when I was journaling and since it’s working for me so far, I’m sharing it with you today.

Stick to the end where I give you a simple three steps technique to create your own keywords to stay focused on your purpose and goals this year!

How to Stay Focused on Your Purpose and Goals This Year

Let’s dive right into it, here are my keywords for 2023:

Service: following my purpose

Service is at the top of my list of keywords for 2023 because as I am taking bigger and bigger leaps on the entrepreneurship journey to develop my brand and business, I need to make sure to remember why I started this whole thing in the first place: being of service. I came to realize that I wanted to help, serve, and guide people in this life. But because it can be easy to get carried away by ego, especially as a content creator, I just want to remember that my first motivation was to help others. I am doing this to serve and hopefully have a positive impact on the world.

Trust: a mindset to keep me going

I choose to trust that everything is working out for me and that I will be fine no matter what. If I don’t want to let limiting beliefs get in the way of achieving my purpose, I have to trust that I am on the right track and that everything will work out for the best. Having faith in myself and my goals is just making it easier to get up in the morning and do the work, because I believe that no matter what the outcome is, it will be for the highest good for all (service), and I will be fine.

Related: Hoping vs Knowing: you need to trust that whatever you want to have or experience, will come to pass, one way or another.

Connection: it’s easier to reach my goals if I’m not alone

Connecting with others is very important as an entrepreneur, a solopreneur, but also as a human being. Connection is important to me on a professional and personal level. Coming out of a very long hermit period, I am now eager to connect with others and come back into the world. But as an introvert and solopreneur, I know I can easily forget that and just stay burrowed in my den. But being in relationships with others whether it’s for professional or personal development is very important to me, especially this year as I am looking to expand my brand and business, and create impact. The foundation of my mission and business is to help others, and in order to help others, I need connection.

Humility: the mindset of a student

As I am making my way toward becoming a guide and teacher, I need to remember that first and foremost I am a student. I am a student of life, I am a student in my domains of expertise, and I am a student of my clients and audience. I have everything to gain by remaining humble in my coaching practice and business. I don’t think we ever get to a point where we know everything, and it’s important to remember that we still have much to learn. I don’t have the answers, all I have is my experience and knowledge to share in a way that can be helpful for others. All I can do, is tell others how I found the answers within myself, because we all have the answers to our own story right within us.

Surrender: reaching my goals faster

In the manifestation world, surrender means that you let go of the outcome and the need to control how you’ll get your manifestation. You emit a wish, you give your intentions to the Universe, and you take inspired actions. But then you have to let go of how it will come to pass and what the outcome will be. Sometimes the Universe has something better in store for you and you can only get it if you let go of control and allow whatever is coming your way to come your way. As a manifestation teacher, I need to remember that I am not in control and all I can do is allow the Universe to work its magick. So I surrender my manifestation to the care of the Universe, trusting, that everything will work out for the highest good.

How to create your own keywords to stay focused on your purpose and goals this year?

Here are three simple steps you can follow to find your own keywords for 2023.

Step 1

Decide for which area of your life you want to create keywords. Is it for your personal life? Your career? Your hobbies? In which areas do you need reminders to stay focused?

Step 2

Once you decided which areas of your life you want to create keywords for, ask yourself, why do I want a keyword in that area? What am I trying to remind myself of? What do I want to focus on in that area? Then start brainstorming keywords.

Step 3

Take a decision, pick your five keywords, and write them down somewhere you’re going to see them every day. Of course, you can change them, but I’d say that after playing with them for a few days, maybe a week, you should pick five and stick to it, or it will defy the purpose of creating them in the first place as you’ll be overthinking it instead of letting them guide you.

Finding your keywords doesn’t have to be complicated, in fact, it should be easy and intuitive. You want to be able to repeat those words throughout the day, and easily remember them whenever you need to summon them.

Read next: About Living On Purpose

I wrote mine on my phone, just in case I forget them when I’m outside, which is unlikely, but I like to know that I can always look them up. I also wrote them on an index card that I taped next to my bathroom mirror, that way it’s the first thing I see in the morning, and it’s the last thing I see before going to bed at night. And I make a point of reading them and reflecting on them at least once a day, usually when I brush my teeth.

I hope this is helpful and that you are going to be able to come up with great keywords to help you stay focused on your purpose, your goals, and assist you in your personal development journey this year!

Feel free to leave a comment below to let me know about your keywords, I’d love to hear what you came up with!


Personal Development Journey: Who do You Look up to?


About Living On Purpose