Taking Time to Reflect on My Goals and Purpose

Today’s blogpost is going to be a chill one. I don’t feel like writing a how-to type of post or giving you a step-by-step action guide to follow or achieve a purpose or goal. I just feel like sitting here and having a chat with you.

The reason for this is that I feel like I have been stuck in action mode for the past three months and it’s wearing me down.

Once the new year started, and I was presumably recovered from my burnout (I was on medical leave from August to December of 2022 for a burnout), I felt the crushing pressure to go all in with my business creation because I want to make this work and because I have been fighting off the idea of getting a new day job to support myself during my business creation journey.

So… I’ve been moving, filming, writing, networking, but also... burning.

I have put so much pressure on myself and my business that today I don’t feel like working. The problem is that I’ve been feeling that way since Monday.

I know it will pass, it always does, but instead of beating myself up for not having the energy to work, I decided to embrace it and just take a semi-break.

Hear me out.

Beating myself up and forcing myself to work is not working for me. If anything, it’s going to make me want to quit.

So instead, I decided to take it easy, reconnect to myself, my sense of purpose, my goals, my why, and do the “bare minimum” for my business this week.

And it’s been working out pretty well so far. I mean I am writing these words now because I don’t want to skip this week’s blogpost, but as I said, I don’t want to pressure myself into writing a 2000 words piece so I am taking it easy.

Yesterday I didn’t work at all. And it’s fine. Tomorrow I’ll be working a few hours, on Friday too, and that will be it.

But what am I doing with my time this week?

Mostly taking care of myself, resourcing, journaling, reflecting, and reading things that have nothing to do with coaching or business growth, and it feels great.

Instead of taking action, I’m thinking about why I am taking these actions.

I need to reconnect to why I started this whole thing in the first place so that I can regain the energy I need to make things happen.

I also need to reconnect to my environment and the present moment. I live in my head a lot, and sometimes I forget to ground myself in the here and now.

Yesterday I did a long meditation, then I went to the park and actually paid attention to the smallest plants and herbs I could find. I downloaded an app to identify plants and I am taking the time to learn about the plants that live in my favorite park and bring me joy each week.

I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t been exercising, because I am so low on energy this week, I am sort of still in hibernation mode. I think it’s linked to the recent change of season, the end of winter and the beginning of spring. My body can feel the transition and it wants to take it easy and make it a smooth one. Last chance to bury myself in my den until fall comes back.

Sometimes we forget to stop and smell the flowers.

As much as it is important to take action to support our intentions and achieve our goals, it is as important to remember why we are working so hard on these goals.

And more importantly, it’s smart to check every once in a while if we are still connected to and resonating with these goals.

So next time you feel like you’re running around like a headless chicken to tick off as many items as you can from your to-do list, take a minute to breathe.

Recenter yourself in the present moment, ask yourself if all of this still makes sense to you, and then come back to your to-do list feeling refreshed and ready to focus on your goals!

If you enjoy my writing and are interested in finding out more about living in alignment with your purpose, personal development, the entrepreneruship journey, and the road to living an impactful life, make sure you subscribe to my newsletter where I explore those subjects each month and offer you insights and tips to help you on your journey!


Celebrating The Small Wins in Your Business Creation Journey


Navigating The Chaos of The Business Creation Journey